Coat Color Genetics in Tibetan Mastiffs
Have you ever been to a show that sports Tibetan Mastiffs appearing in a variety of colors and asked yourself where these colors come from, or how a breeder can predict what colors will appear in a given litter? Well, hopefully, this article and some color photos will begin to shed some light on this colorful subject. Before we get to the fun stuff, however, we will have to review a little genetics.
Most vertebrates, including dogs, have two copies of every chromosome (except sex chromosomes). Since genes are part of the chromosomes, this means that there are two copies of every gene present in every cell of every dog. However, the two copies do not have to be identical. They can be different versions (alleles) of the same gene. For example one could be an allele for Black coat and one for Gold coat. Hmmm, this must be a Black and Gold spotted dog! No, because some alleles are dominant to others. Since Black is dominant to Gold, this dog will appear as solid Black.
大多数脊椎动物,包括狗,(他们的)染色体是对生的(性染色体除外)。[注1] 鉴于基因是染色体中的一些片段,这就得出每只狗的每一个细胞内(的染色体上)都有着两套基因。[注2] 然而,这两套基因却不一定是相同的。他们可以是不同的等位基因版本[注3]。例如:(在1个染色体上的两个基因)它可以一个黑色基因另一个是金色基因。恩,这不意味着它就是黑-金斑点了吗?不!因为有些等位基因对于别的(隐性基因)是显性的。由于(决定)黑(色的基因)对于(决定)金(色的基因)是显性的,所以这只獒应该是纯黑的。
Although the above example shows a simple relationship between two alleles located at one gene locus, coat color in dogs is ultimately quite complicated and not fully understood. Many genes, some of which have more than two allele choices, control the variety of colors and patterns seen in canine coat color. The many different genes interact by intricate rules, to create the final coat.
For the sake of discussion, each gene locus and all the alleles related to coat color are given alphabetical designations. Dominant alleles are shown in capital letters and recessive alleles are given in lower case letters. For the purposes of this article, only those loci and alleles seen in the Tibetan Mastiff will be discussed. Given that this breed is so colorful, that happens to be most of them.
Okay, back to our example. The gene locus involved in the example is the Agouti, or A locus. Three alleles of this gene are found in the Tibetan Mastiff: the allele for Black, designated A; the allele for Gold Ay; and the allele for Black and Tan, designated at. These alleles are given here in order of dominance, where Black is the most dominant (epistatic) and Black and Tan is the most recessive (hypostatic). Although there are three different alleles that are found in the Tibetan Mastiff breed, any given dog can only carry one or two of the three; two copies of the same allele, or two different alleles.
好了,回到我们上边的例子。例子里面提到的基因位于(染色体上的)Agouti(位置),也称“A位基因”。[注4] 现在有三种(决定藏獒毛色的)基因已经被发现了:黑色基因,标为A;金色基因,标为Ay;黑+栗色(即铁包金),标为at。这些基因按显性次序给出,其中,黑色最显性(强势)而黑+栗色最隐性(弱势)。尽管在藏獒这个品种发现了这三种基因,任何一只藏獒只可能携带这三种的基因中的两种或者一种:两份都是同样的,或者两份不一样的。
Why two? Well, every dog has two sets of chromosomes (they get one set from each parent) and each set of chromosomes contains one copy of each gene. Hence every dog has two copies of each gene, one from each parent. In our example, the dog is A/Ay. This is written so that we see both alleles, Black and Gold, with the most epistatic allele, Black, written first. Remember, this dog appears Black, but so would a dog that is A/A or A/at. Thus, if a dog appears Black (image 1), we may have no idea what the second allele is until we breed that dog and find out what is passed to the offspring. Likewise, dogs that are Ay/Ay or Ay/at will appear Gold (image 3), as Gold is epistatic to Black and Tan. Only when a dog is at/at does it appear Black and Tan (image 6).
为什么是两个?因为每只藏獒都有来自父母的2套染色体(从父母各继承一套);而每套中,都包含一份与其来源相同的基因。{注5] 也就是每一只藏獒有2个分别来自其父母的(决定毛色的)基因。在我们的例子里,是A/Ay。这么写我们可以把两个基因都看到,黑和金,最强势的基因(黑)写在前面。这条狗表现出黑色,不过同样是黑色的狗也可以是A/A,A/at。因此,如果一条狗表现是黑色的被毛(图1),我们不知道它的第二个基因是什么,不过我们可以用它来繁殖,看他传给后代的是什么来推断知道。同理可知:一条金色的狗基因型可能是Ay/Ay和Ay/at(图3),因为金色对铁包金显性,只有at/at的基因型的狗才会是铁包金(图6)。
What we call “Gold” actually ranges in color from Cream (image 2) to deep Red (image 4), with the precise shade being determined by modifying genes. These modifying genes are called rufous polygenes and act like, well, a collection of checkers (lets say red and white checkers). For example, if a dog has mostly red checkers in its collection, it will appear Red. If a dog has mostly white checkers, it will appear Cream, and if a dog has a balance of red and white checkers, it will appear Gold. Each puppy receives a handful of checkers from each parent, so Red puppies are unlikely to come from two Cream parents and vice versa. These same genes work to determine the shade of tan on Black and Tan dogs. The dogs shown in images 5, 6, and 7, are all Black and Tan (determined by the A locus), but the tan varies considerably. So, as in the example above, Black and Red-Tan puppies are unlikely to come from parents that are Cream and/or Black and Cream-Tan.
So far, the discussion has focused solely on dogs that have what is called full pigmentation. That is, their genetic makeup allows them to develop all colors to their fullest extent: pitch blacks and bright reds, golds, and creams. There are some genes whose effect is to dilute the pigmentation. In other words, whatever A locus alleles the dog has will be expressed as expected, but the pigmentation will be diluted, even in the eyes and on the nose leather. In the Tibetan Mastiff, two different genes cause dilution effects. Each of these genes has only a dominant and one recessive allele.
The first of these genes is the Dilute, or D locus. The dominant allele D is necessary for full pigmentation. The effect of the recessive allele d when homozygous (two identical alleles in the same dog), is to dilute Black coat and nose and eye pigment toward Blue/Grey. Although this gene is completely separate from the A locus, there is an interaction that produces the final color of the dog. So, if a dog is A/-, d/d (where the dash represents any allele choice) it will appear Blue/Grey (image 8). If a dog is at/at, d/d then it will appear Blue/Gray and Tan (image 9).
The second gene that serves to dilute coat and pigment is the Brown, or B locus. This gene works the same way as the D locus. That is, when both copies of the B gene are recessive (b), in this case the Black coloration fades to Chocolate/Brown. Again, this gene is completely separate from the A locus, but the interaction of the two loci determines the final color of the dog. Thus, if a dog is A/-, b/b it will appear Chocolate/Brown (image 10). If a dog is at/at, b/b it will appear Chocolate/Brown and Tan (image 11). Again, one dominant allele B is necessary in any dog to get the normal black pigment.
Finally, a dog can receive a pair of recessive alleles at both the D and B loci. Although, for the moment, and to our best knowledge, the Western world has not produced a Tibetan Mastiff with this genetic makeup, it is thought that one would appear somewhat like a Weimaraner in color. The TMCA currently refers to this color as Double Dilute. Of course, this would dilute the black coat and pigment in Black and Tan dogs as well, so there could be dogs that can appear as Double Dilute and Tan (at/at, b/b, d/d).
最后,只有在理论上藏獒可以在D位基因和B位基因置都是隐性基因,然而到现在为止,就我们所知道的,西方国家还没有培育出这样基因结构的藏獒,有人猜测可能会出现德国威玛猎狗似的颜色。TMCA当前把这样的颜色叫双稀释,当然,这样的机理可以作用于黑色獒也可以作用于铁包金中的黑色部分造就成双稀释色包金(at/at, b/b, d/d)。
Gold dogs with dilution are a little more complicated. They still appear gold, but appear more washed-out than normal, and their nose leather may appear Blue/Grey, Chocolate/Brown, or some muddy combination of the two. These dogs are Ay/-, d/d (where the dash represents either Ay or at), Ay/-, b/b, or Ay/-, b/b, d/d. The TMCA refers to ALL of these colors as Gold Dilute (image 12), as determining exactly which dilutions are at work may be difficult.
So far, so good, and the above mechanisms are well established in the dog world, but what follows is not. There is one type of Black Tibetan Mastiff that is turning up more frequently in American litters. Breedings of two Black and Tan dogs (at/at mated with at/at) are yielding puppies that are all Black. This is completely unexpected! Since the allele for Black, A, is dominant to Black and Tan, at, neither of the parents could be carrying Black, or that dog would appear Black itself. So, some other explanation must exist for these dogs to appear solid Black. Breeders have found that when bred, these dogs produce as if they were Black and Tan, not as Black. So, genetically, they are just what one would expect, at/at. One explanation for the conundrum would be that there is a recessive modifying gene present that completely masks the tan, yielding a Black dog. In some cases, a few tan hairs develop between the toes or under the tail, and over time may become more traditional in patterning. However, at birth, these Black pups are indistinguishable from the true Black colored puppies (A/-). The TMCA is now referring to these as Masked Black and Tans and denotes them in registration as Black (and Tan). A Black (and Tan) female is seen in image 13. These Masked Black and Tans can also appear in matings of Gold dogs and the explanation is exactly the same. Of course, this parenthetical descriptor also applies to dogs masked with any of the dilute colors: Blue/Grey (and Tan), Chocolate/Brown (and Tan), and Double Dilute (and Tan).
到现在为止,上述的(颜色决定)机制在藏獒界运行良好,但以下例子就不是了。有一种黑色獒在美国繁殖的藏獒里面常出现。让两只铁包金藏獒繁殖幼崽(都带有确切的at/at),出生的全是黑色的,完全出乎意料!因为黑色的基因型是A对铁包金at显性,两只种獒都不可能携带基因A,否则种獒就会呈现黑色。对这些黑色小狗的出现必然存在(关于如何确定毛色的)另一个解释。繁育者发现这些小狗养大后,它们(的毛色)就是铁包金的。因此,在基因上,它们就只能是人们预期的一样:at/at。一个对此的解释就是有隐性的“修改基因”把金色遮盖,使他们显示黑色。(此外,)在有些时候,这种藏獒的脚趾间和尾巴下面会出现一些金毛,随时间长大后,会显现出正常的(铁包金)样子。但刚出生时,这些黑狗跟真正的A/-的黑狗没什么两样。TMCA把这样的狗称做掩式铁包金,注册时称做黑(铁包金)(英文是:Black(and Tan))图13是一只黑(铁包金)母狗。这种遮盖现象也会在用两只金色狗交配的后代出现,解释跟前面的一样。当然,父辈遗传的稀释因子也会作用于掩式铁包金的狗:蓝灰(铁包金),巧克力褐色(铁包金),双稀释(铁包金)。
For clarity, and to move us to the fun part, a couple of genetic word definitions will help; the first is phenotype. This refers to what is seen. A Tibetan Mastiff’s color phenotype may be Black, for example, or Black and Tan. The second word is genotype, which describes the genetic recipe (our alphabet soup) carried by that dog. For example, a Tibetan Mastiff genotype may be A/at (which may appear as a Black phenotype), or at/at (which may appear as a Black and Tan phenotype).
Oh yeah, here is the fun part. Ready? 好,现在是有意思的部分,(你)准备好了吗?
Let’s look at an illustration using dogs that are phenotypically Black (not including the masked Black and Tans), that is, these are Black dogs with no tan points, although they may have markings like white on the chest (to be discussed in a future article). Keep in mind that Black dogs must have at least one copy of the dominant allele A. Now for this dog to be full-pigmented Black, it must also have at least one dominant allele D and at least one dominant allele B. If we do not know any more than how the dog appears, the genotype of this dog can then be written, A/-, B/-, D/- (as alleles represented by the dashes cannot change the phenotype -- how the dog appears). So, we cannot tell by looking at the dog whether it is carrying any or all of the recessive alleles. Only breeding will reveal whether this dog is carrying the Gold allele (Ay), the Black and Tan allele (at), the recessive Blue/Grey allele (d), or the recessive Chocolate/Brown allele (b).
So, how does a breeder find out the exact genotypes of his/her breeding stock?
The first thing to remember is that each parent contributes to their offspring exactly one of the two alleles it is carrying for every gene in its chromosomes. This means that when the sperm containing one allele of each gene fertilizes the egg containing one allele of each gene, then the offspring will once again have two alleles for each gene. As an example, lets’ say a breeder crosses a Black dog (image 1) with a Gold ***** (image 3). For simplicity sake, it is assumed that no recessive dilution alleles are carried by either parent. So, the Black sire has to be A/- because he is Black, and the Gold dam has to be Ay/- because she is Gold. The result yielded 8 puppies: 4 Blacks, 2 Golds, and 2 Black and Tans.
Why are there more Blacks than anything else? Where did those Black and Tans come from? To answer these questions, the breeder reasons backwards. If the breeding yields any Black and Tan puppies at all, and by knowing that their genotype MUST be at/at, then each parent must also carry at. So now the breeder knows exactly what the genotypes of the parents must have been. The Black parent was A/at and the Gold parent was Ay/at. To find the ratios of what the breeder should expect in the litter, a list of all combinations should be made.
The Black male can produce sperm containing the A allele, but he will produce an equal number with the at allele. The Gold female can produce eggs with the Ay allele and an equal number with the at allele. What follows is a list of all possible outcomes.
翻译版:藏獒毛色问题(全面答疑)A from father, Ay from mother offspring will be A/Ay and appear Black
A from father, at from mother offspring will be A/at and appear Black
at from father, Ay from mother offspring will be Ay/at and appear Gold
at from father, at from mother offspring will be at/at and appear Black and Tan
A来自父本Ay来自母本 后代基因型是A/Ay显示出黑色A来自父本at来自母本 后代基因型是A/At显示出黑色at来自父本Ay来自母本 后代基因型是Ay/at显示出金色at来自父本at来自母本 后代基因型是at/at显示出铁包金
Notice that the ratio is 2 Blacks to 1 Gold to 1 Black and Tan, which is the same as the 4:2:2 that was yielded in the litter. It is important to say that the 2:1:1 ratio is EXPECTED in the offspring, but not guaranteed. Statistical variation will determine what actually appears. Although many combinations are possible, most litters from these parents will yield colors near that ratio. A breeding between different Black and Gold parents could produce either all Black puppies, or half Black puppies and half Gold puppies. It is left to the reader to work out the genotypes necessary to produce these results.
As another example, our breeder crosses a Black and Tan male having medium toned tan points, with a Gold female like the one pictured in image 3. Remember that the tan points on this male appear as a medium tan because of the rufous polygenes (in this case, a balanced checker collection). Assuming the Gold female (also with a balanced checker collection) is Ay/Ay, and knowing that the male is at/at; what will the breeder get? The male can only produce sperm with at and the female can only produce eggs with Ay, so all of the offspring will be Ay/at, and appear gold, right? Well, yes and no. All the offspring will be Ay/at alright, but because the male had a pattern of rufous polygenes that determined his tan points should be medium toned and the female the same medium toned Gold; the offspring could be anything from Red (having randomly received lots of red checkers from both parents) to Cream (having randomly received lots of white checkers from both parents).
Cream is not recognized in all the international Tibetan Mastiff breed standards. Given this example, all the offspring are identical Ay/at (with the exception of the distribution of rufous polygenes), and are from parents having allowable colors under these standards, despite the fact that some of the puppies appear as a non-recognized Cream color. This is one of the inconsistencies the TMCA hopes is corrected in all future standards.
One last interesting point, it is theoretically possible (but unlikely in the extreme) to breed a Black dog with a Gold dog and get all the possible colors discussed in this article. For this to happen, however, the genotypes of the parents would have to be A/at, D/d, B/b for the Black parent and Ay/at, D/d, B/b for the Gold parent. This cross will give Blacks, Golds, Black and Tans, Chocolate/Browns, Chocolate/Brown and Tans, Blue/Greys, Blue/Greys and Tans, Gold dilutes, Double Dilutes, and Double Dilutes and Tans (and masked dogs if those recessives are present). If the reader wants to work out the ratios, it is suggested he/she finds Punnet squares in an old genetics text and makes up one with 8 squares on a side. Good luck.
最后一个有趣的事情,理论上可行(不过极端不可能出现):用一只黑獒和一只金獒交配可以出现本文讨论的所有毛色的藏獒,要使这个情况发生黑獒的基因型必须是A/at,D/d.B/b,金獒的基因型必须是Ay/at,D/d,B/b。这个交配可能会出现:黑,金,铁包金,巧克力褐色,巧克力褐色包金,蓝灰,蓝灰包金,稀释金色,双稀释色,双稀释色包金(如果隐性修改基因起作用还可出现掩盖色)。如果读者要计算出各种颜色出现的几率,建议他/她在旧遗传学课本里找到Punnet square,然后在一边乘8次方,祝好运![注10]
[注10]2的八次方是指,在后代的染色体中的两对基因可能包含了以下所有基因片段的各种组合,A, Ay,at ,D,d,B,b,再加上隐性修改基因的作用方向,共8个因素,排列组合。
Charles W. Radcliffe
Matthew J. Taylor